Celebrating our 50th Anniversary

of Mentoring in the Edmonton and Area community


Events & Programs

Volunteers and families can regularly enjoy special occasions and events together.

Special Agency Activities (Children & Families)Children and their families are invited to take part in varied events over the year. Sample activities may include the annual fishing derby, camperships, and a community garden project.
One-to-One Mentor ProgramChildren from single-parent families spend time with positive adult role models. The program started in 1967 and some children have now grown up and become mentors. There can be a wait list so we also offer group and peer mentoring.
'Girls Growing Strong' and 'Supergirls'Groups for 9 to 16 year old girls meet every month with mentors to enjoy each other's company. They plan social, community, and personal development activities that build supportive friendships and personal confidence.
Grandparents Who Parent
Support Group
More grandparents are finding themselves in an unexpected parenting role. Meeting with other grandparents who parent is a welcome opportunity to trade experiences, ideas, and support.
Soaring Solo Parent Support GroupSingle-parents meet with a facilitator to explore parenting issues, ideas, and experiences. Groups include guest speakers, recreational outings, and opportunities to just relax and have fun.
Youth for Mutual Improvement GroupBoys over the age of 8 meet regularly to take part in various recreational activities. The sessions are led by young community volunteers who are strong role models for the boys.
SNAP-In-School ProgramTrained facilitators bring the internationally recognized Stop Now and Plan (SNAP®) program to Edmonton classrooms. SNAP® is proven to help elementary aged children manage their emotions and interact more positively with others.
Strengthening Families ProgramIn this fun and interactive 7-week group program, teens and parents learn skills that help them enjoy and support each other at this important life stage. The whole family can take part. SFP has helped improve parent and youth relationships in over 25 countries.
Community GardenFamilies work together preparing, planting, and harvesting their container gardens.
Community KitchenParents and their children/youth meet together monthly for cooking, connection, and conversation.